Artificial Intelligence: Public-Private Partnerships join forces to boost AI progress in Europe

At ICT 2018 in Vienna the Big Data Value Association and euRobotics agreed to cooperate more in order to boost the advancement of artificial intelligence’s (AI) in Europe.

Both associations want to strengthen their collaboration on AI in the future. Specifically by:

  • Working together to boost European AI, building on existing industrial and research communities and on results of the Big Data Value PPP and SPARC PPP. This to contribute to the European Commission’s ambitious approach to AI, backed up with a drastic increase investment, reaching €20 billion total public and private funding in Europe until 2020.
  • Enabling joint-pilots, for example, to accelerate the use and integration of big data, robotics and AI technologies in different sectors and society as a whole
  • Exchanging best practices and approaches from existing and future projects of the Big Data PPP and the SPARC PPP
  • Contributing to the European Digital Single Market, developing strategic roadmaps and  position papers

This Memorandum of Understanding between the PPPs follows the European Commission’s approach to AI presented in April 2018 and the Declaration of Cooperation on Artificial Intelligence signed by all 28 Member States and Norway. This Friday 7 December the Commission will present its EU coordinated plan.


ICT 2018, Imagine Digital – Connect Europe, is one of the biggest tech events in Europe. It brings together over 5000 participants coming from academia, policy, industry and discusses topics such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, digitals skills and much more. euRobotics is the private partner in the SPARC PPP and focuses on the development and use of robotics technology across all industrial and service sectors. BDVA is the private partner of the BDV PPP and focuses on technology development and on the construction of an innovation ecosystem, supporting the growth of the European big data value economy.


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